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Leading hybrid teams

Enable new ways of working

With the rapid adoption of hybrid-working in many organisations, managers and staff have been experiencing the largest change in working arrangements for decades.  The large scale transition to hybrid-working has had far-reaching, operational implications, affecting individual, team and organizational resilience, which may ultimately affect performance and customer satisfaction.  

Effective hybrid team leaders can help stop the surge of talent turnover caused by lack of fulfilment, trust, care and opportunity[1], and minimise the negative effects of task and relationship conflicts that remote or hybrid working can inadvertently bring [2] ​ This programme explores factors shown to found to be particularly important for effective hybrid working, including fairness and inclusion, trust and productivity, employee engagement and wellbeing; relationships and culture.

A typical programme consists of: Initial consultation with the client; programme launch and development audit; individual & group coaching sessions; 4 x workshops; programme workbook; development activities; programme impact review.

Want to experience the expertise of Credibility Coaching Plus for yourself? Contact us today and let’s discuss what we can do together.

[1]PwC and McKinsey reports, (May 2022) [2] S.Sonenshein (April 2022)​

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