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Business Meeting

Wellbeing and Resilience Coaching

Taking steps to a more resilient life

When your resilience is high, you are better equipped to ‘go with the flow’ and adapt constructively within the context of significant adversity.  You can deal effectively with the friction and  stress  that can occur from everyday work pressures, and manage the challenges of change that cause  volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA).

There are many factors that can influence a person’s resilience capacity at any given time.  We can help you identify and work on your unique resilience development priorities, to:

  • Sustain high personal energy levels

  • Learn how to influence your resilience and the resilience of others

  • ‘Be present’ and function well when resilience is needed

  • Set and uphold personal boundaries

  • Manage a ‘Do-it-yourself’ mentality

  • Develop adaptability

  • Promote wellbeing

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